Title: Unconventional Love: Josh Radnor and Jordana Jacobs Tie the Knot Amidst a Snowstorm
In a unique and memorable ceremony, actor and musician Josh Radnor, 49, and clinical psychologist Jordana Jacobs, 36, exchanged vows outdoors in the midst of a snowstorm. The couple, no strangers to extraordinary circumstances, shared their journey to love, which began during a sound meditation retreat in upstate New York in February 2022.
The unconventional setting saw 164 snow-drenched guests braving the 20-degree evening air as Dr. Jacobs read a heartfelt 10-minute monologue about her beloved, and Mr. Radnor responded with a touching 10-minute soliloquy.
Their paths first crossed during the psychedelic experience of a sound meditation retreat, where they, along with about 30 others, ingested a psychedelic mixture and lay on the floor with masks covering their eyes. It was in this altered state of consciousness that Mr. Radnor and Dr. Jacobs connected.
Across the room, a voice told Mr. Radnor, “That’s her. That’s your woman.” Simultaneously, Dr. Jacobs engaged in a conversation with her heart, asking, “What do you have to tell me?” The heart replied, “You know that man over there, Josh? You’re drawn to him.”
Their initial meeting occurred on the first day of the retreat, where Mr. Radnor, known for his role in “How I Met Your Mother” and more recently in “Fleishman Is in Trouble” on Hulu, was navigating the aftermath of a painful breakup. Dr. Jacobs, a clinical psychologist based in Brooklyn, was also healing from a broken relationship and sought a new, heart-centric approach to life.
Before the meditation, the couple chatted for half an hour, delving into discussions about love, death, and the unique connection they shared. Dr. Jacobs, expressing concern about her approach being too academic, revealed her intention to shift towards a more experiential and heart-guided orientation.
Their connection deepened as they explored the themes of love and death in Mr. Radnor’s songwriting, particularly in the album titled “Eulogy,” which he was recording in Nashville. Dr. Jacobs found the conversation intriguing, and Mr. Radnor was captivated by what he perceived as real depth in her perspective.
Ultimately, this unconventional love story led them to a snowy wedding ceremony, proving that love can bloom in the most unexpected and extraordinary circumstances.