People who like to break through the monotony and try new things out in life constantly search for new and amazing wallpapers on internet. These wallpapers can have different colour schemes, can be a depiction of different ideas and thoughts and can put you through a pleasant mood. Hence, what you see actually seems to effect your personality.
You also, are in a constant search for all such windows 8 themes for free download which have a kind of connection with you, at times you end put putting up your favourite car as a desktop or laptop wallpaper, or your favourite Hollywood actor or actress. At times, you want to just sit back and watch the different colour schemes or designs and when you find them bizarre, you can always switch between the colour schemes and patterns to achieve satisfaction. You see, how important it is to switch wallpapers often? Wallpapers of the right choice are highly effective in changing you mood. At times when fatigue overcomes you and you lack the motivation to pursue your work further, effective windows 8 themes have a sort of refreshing effect on you . There is also a list of motivational wallpapers available with catchy one liners. These motivational wallpapers are highly effective for students or people at workplace aiming to achieve success. When you look at these one liners in the motivational wallpapers, you automatically feel a boost of motivation level.
People keep on surfing through different themes of wallpapers on the internet, but even in their favourite themes, their priority lies within their favourite colours. Some people like warm colours, while some have cool colours as their first priority. Of course, all this range of warm and cool colours changes your mood differently, and it is particularly due to these pleasant mood changes that you like a particular colour or a range of colours to be in your desktop wallpapers. Some people get bored of some wallpapers quickly and keep on changing them frequently. For all these people, the perfect solution is to look for entire collections of a particular theme. A collection of a certain theme of wallpapers will involve different colours and colour schemes and you can always choose between the kind of designs and patterns you like the best.
The concept of making games out of famous cartoon characters is popular these days, We see our favourite characters jumping up and down as per our will in a game . Similarly there are many smart phone games which have made certain characters in them popular. The connection between you and the character you are making play inside the screen is actually quiet strong because of the fact that you imagine the character to be you. Just like the guy in temple run, when he loses his life in the game you actually feel pretty sad about it and when he jumps the height to escape a hurdle, you actually appreciate the fact and feel happy about it. See, the connection between you and the person in the game who is playing for you is pretty strong. We present to you a collection of different animated wallpapers meant for windows 8 themes basically for free download.
Windows 8 themes Free Download From Microsoft Website
1- Angry Bird Wallpapers:
Brilliant showcase of colours and characters is how we should define these angry bird wallpapers. Once you go to the download option of the windows website , your windows would automatically download and make changes to the computer and make this theme of wallpapers run as a background wallpaper. So, you can easily download the not-so-angry-looking angry bird wallpapers from the link . There are a total of 6 images in this theme of the angry bird wallpapers.
2- Fruit Ninja Wallpapers:
The very first memory that would have been occurred in your mind with the name fruit ninja would have been that of escaping the bombs during the game. The most shocking moment through out the game is when you accidently cut a bomb instead of the vegetables. But the actual trick is to rub you finger smoothly on the screen for cutting the vegetables in the game. Anyway, this article was not particularly on how to play the Fruit Ninja game but anyway you should take it as a pro tip and apply too.
3-Kung Fu Panda 2 wallpapers
This collection of wallpapers is based on the 3D animated movie Kung Fu Panda 2. The character is well known among the young as well as adult audience. Po the panda is in union with the famous five and deals with his enemies in his style. This theme has a total of 9 images illustrating the entire story. Since the animated movie is based on action and adventure, the characters you will see in these themes would be performing a lot of action in the wallpapers too.
4-Shrek Forever After Theme:
Based on the movie Shrek forever after, this theme consists of the ogre and his companions in the movie. The story of the character Shrek approached in different parts of the Shrek movie series. At first Shrek-the ogre challenges a dragon, then rescues a princess and then saves the Kingdom, but what he does next is seen in this part of the movie series which is also the last part. Despite being not very handsome, the ogre Shrek has a special place in the heart of many people who have been following the Shrek series and since it is the last part of the series, Shrek Forever Alone theme has a potential to be one of your favourite themes, for sure. This windows 8 theme for free download has a total of 16 images in HD quality.
5- Puss in Boots Theme:
Puss in boots is one of the movies popular from many ages. The movie features around the adventures of a cat and how the cat aces different challenges each in its life. These theme based wallpapers for windows 8 are known best for the popular character of the Cat and his swag due to the actions he performs and his sword and dressing sense as a bad-ass cat.
Hope you will find these themes highly effective. The case with wallpapers is that you have to change them when you get bored of them. But the Microsoft has made the download of wallpapers of a certain theme really easy. When you click on the download option, the file gets downloaded in your computer automatically, and then when you click on the downloaded file, it automatically personalizes and sets the theme of background wallpapers for you.